nike id has a wallpaper generator now, so sick

Blogged with Flock
had thanksgiving at my parents' place, non-traditional style, then thanksgiving again traditional style down at alicia's parents'. did some hanging out with the burlington crew in between, and lula was along for the ride too.
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Blogged with Flock
makes me almost wish there wasn't snow on the ground, but then again, its almost snowboarding time!
this was a while back, but it was a sick night, they had a lot of good new material. didn't get any shots of the band though.
Blogged with Flock
lots going on lately. the dog's getting huge, she weighs like 65 pounds now. had the sweet haskins family reunion action go down, good times. two weeks later, we hit up tricia and dino's wedding in victoria. the golf got rear-ended (again) en route, still sorting out the insurance stuff for that, the estimate came through and it says it'll cost at least $4600 to fix, if they want to fix it vs. total it. the wedding was pretty good though, my stomach was being a pussy, so i didn't get too liquored up. this last week, sam, eric, joe, mark, and two of their friends all came through pullman. went out to dinner then got our drink on further at my office. half the town was without power from this freak thunder/windstorm. 8 people fit in our apartment ok, but the line for the can in the morning gets kind of long. here are some photos....booyeah.
Blogged with Flock
she's not really a pudgy puppy anymore, she's growing into some of her skin, and building up some muscle.
Blogged with Flock